To promote and improve county government in South Dakota through the Association of County Commissioners.
To keep county commissioners and officials informed on issues pertaining to county government.
To complete research which pertains to county government.
To plan and conduct workshops, seminars and an annual meeting to provide a broad program of information and study of county problems and issues.
To confer with commissioners to identify and help resolve problems.
Research and draft legislative bills, prepare testimony for presentation to the legislature and legislative committees, monitor the progress of bills through the legislature, and keep commissioners informed on legislative developments.
Direct all lobbying and liaison efforts with other governmental entities, especially the legislative and executive branches of state governments.
Coordinate efforts between the SDACC and the SDACO, SDACHS, SD Municipal League, Associated School Boards of SD, SD Towns and Townships and all other local, state and federal agencies, the media and the public.
Direct, coordinate and supervise lobbying activities of the association.
Complete a bi-annual Directory of County Officials during December of even numbered years.
Participate in any appropriate Legislative Interim Study Committee.
Continue to expand and improve the County Comment to include articles on topics of interest.
Plan, arrange and conduct a meaningful and informative Fall Convention to include an annual business meeting and election of officers. Information sessions to be decided by the Convention Planning Committee.
To nurture and expand the Associate Membership program.
Act as an advocate for all SDACC positions.
Continue meeting with the South Dakota Municipal League in exploring areas of mutual interest and expand relationships with the South Dakota Association of Towns and Townships
Strengthen internal organization by developing written policies/roles and responsibilities along with long and short term plans
Other concerns will be addressed as they become apparent or at the advice of the SDACC Executive Board.